Artistic Licence DMX-Clarify XLR

$587.72 INC GST AUD

Artistic Licence
SKU: DMX-Clarify XLR Categories: ,


Artistic Licence DMX-Clarify XLR



DMX-Clarify is designed to allow a DMX line to run further than the standard limit of 300m, without the need for expensive DMX splitters. It achieves this by internally re-buffering the DMX signal.

DMX-Clarify operates permanently in ‘data fix’ mode to solve product compatibility problems. There are numerous products on the market that will not accept the wide range of legal DMX timings and data. DMX-Clarify cleans out any unusual or non-standard timing and data before sending it to the output. This includes stripping out all non-zero start codes (including RDM), forcing a 512-channel footprint and calming any timing jitter. The product requires an external PSU; we recommend PSU-9-1.5-DCJ.

If the fix function is not required, please refer to the sister product, DMX-Buffer, which offers full RDM support.


  • Each product provides an extra 300m of cable run
  • Protected (non-isolated) input
  • Single buffered output & jabber detection
  • Powered from a standard 9V PSU
  • Protective metal case
  • Compatible with DMX512, DMX512 (1990), DMX512-A
  • Automatic timing correction for DMX512
  • Accepts breaks from 56µS to 1000µS
  • Accepts MaB from 5µS to 1000µS
  • Accepts MbB from 0µS to 1000µS
  • Accepts channel count from 1-512
  • Accepts refresh from 23mS to 1000mS
  • Filters out consecutive breaks
  • Retimes bytes with 1 stop bit to 2 stop bits
  • Generates DMX with fixed timing parameters: Refresh = 33Hz, Brk=250µS, MaB=30µS, P=30mS, C=512, MbB=30µS
  • Filters out all non-zero start codes




Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 4.2 × 8.8 × 5.8 cm