Artistic Licence DMX-Protect XLR
DMX-Protect is a passive in-line protector designed to protect a DMX line from damage due to electrocution. It has two levels of protection:
- The first is a self-healing circuit that protects against accidental connection to mains and will recover when the fault is removed.
- The second is a ‘protection of last resort’ that will sacrifice the product in order to protect against high energy faults such as lightning strikes.
The product is housed in a protective metal case and features XLR5 connectors for the DMX input and output.
Both the input and output have protection circuitry so products connected to the input are protected from faults on the output and vice versa.
No PSU is required.
- Passive in-line protector
- Protected ground connection
- Protects against accidental connection to mains (recoverable fault)
- Sacrificial protection against lightning strikes (non-recoverable fault)
- Supports RDM
- Protective metal case
- Data input: standard 5-pin male XLR connector with internal termination
- Data output: standard 5-pin female XLR connector